
All about those {Creation} Apps

It is September!!! Time for all things fall, which, I am usually in denial about because I LOVE summer. But here I am, on Labor Day, indulging in Pumpkin Spice Coffee & an Apple + Pumpkin candle... 

App Introduction:
Now that September is here and most of us are through the first few weeks of school and our routines + procedures are falling into place {hopefully smoothly}, I wanted to share a couple of my favorite apps that I use in my classroom. 
I introduced iPads on the second week of school, and we have been exploring apps each day. I have a rule that I follow in my classroom when it comes to introducing apps, TAKE IT SLOW! I don't know about you, but when I am bombarded with lots of new things at one time, my brain goes into overload mode,which turns into stress, that equals not wanting to explore technology. Do yourself a favor and introduce one app {activity} at a time. I introduce and master one app at a time with my class, and I walk my students through the "ins & outs" of how the app works. Example... How to get started, how to use the features within the app, and {possibly the most important} how to export or save anything that was created in the app. 
This past week I introduced Pic Collage to my class, I showed them how to use the features and I also paired students together so that those who were familiar could help as well. After we reviewed the app, I had them do a simple assignment, which was to take a selfie and describe themselves. 
{Is this not the cutest?}
App Spotlight: 
{All of the activities featured below are from last year, I'm not this far along yet with my current class}

 I could probably write a thesis on all of the apps that I use in my classroom, so I'll just focus on the creation + sharing apps that I use. So here is my favorite line up:
Pic Collage

Popplet gives students the opportunity to create a web map/ flow chart/ bubble map/ with any subject! 
Students can use the app to do word sorts in Word Study:
A reading response in Guided Reading or Reader's Workshop:

Pic Collage can also be used in a variety of ways! I have used it for identifying nouns, describing nouns using adjectives, book reviews, math activities, and the list goes on. The app is simple and user friendly and students LOVE the graphics, backgrounds, and different fonts {disclaimer- if you do not want cursive, squiggly fonts, tell your students to only use the simple ones}. 

SeeSaw is probably by far my FAVORITE app! There are so many different ways you can use it in your classroom. For sake of length on this post, I'll only share a few {be on the lookout for a post dedicated to SeeSaw soon}. 
SeeSaw is a learning journal that allows you to connect parents and upload work {both digital and photos of hands on/written} into individual student portfolios. You have options that allow you to control what students upload, approve comments from parents or other students. The portfolio also has several options for uploading work. They can submit a photo, take a photo, record a video, and actually use feature to draw and submit. SeeSaw is the most versatile app that I use and both students and parents RAVE about it! Oh, and it is FREE {there is a paid version, but the free works great}.
If you have never heard about it, go explore at , you will LOVE it! 

I hope September is a month filled with wonderful things in your classroom! Remember this if you are introducing Apps, Keep it Simple + Take it Slow. You'll thank yourself later! If things don't go well the first time, take a step back and try again! Technology is a great tool if it is integrated and introduced correctly! If you front load apps and take time to model and let students explore, your life will be so much easier! Master 1 app at a time!


P.S. SC friends, Hope + I are presenting at SC EdTech in November! We will be talking about how we flipped our Technology PLC at our school! We would love to see you there!


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